About Me

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I recently moved back to the states after living in Japan and working as a personal trainer for military personnel and their spouses. Moving back to the states felt like the perfect timing to switch gears and focus on my own goals of competing in the NPC Bikini Division. I love my life as a trainer and competitor. I see the body as a piece of clay waiting to be shaped and sculpted into a beautiful master piece. I love watching my own transformations and equally love seeing the transformations I help create in others.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Motivation...Come find me!?!?!

This morning I woke up before my alarm, sweet! I head downstairs to make a cup of hot tea when I start to wonder, "body, what did you do all last night?!?!"  Surely not recovery mode! Ouch, sore arms, sore legs, and are there bricks around my ankles cause walking is sure taking A LOT of energy.

I have a big workout on my to-do list today, where can I find that drive...hmmmm. "Photo shoot next weekend, keep pushing." I ponder on that thought hoping. But nope, motivation hasn't showed up yet. "In three weeks your going to be on stage in a teeny tiny bikini!!!" Nope, that fire hasn't ignited.

So what do you do on days like this? Sit on the couch? NO. You lace up your sneakers, throw your gym bag over your shoulder and get to the gym. Crank up that music, give yourself extra time to warm-up and usually by just being in this atmosphere it shows up. That is what happened to me this morning. KILLED the back today, energy is here, Mr. Motivation is in my face. Not even noon and what? Yep, ready for more! Putting myself in that atmosphere alone usually does the trick to knock out fatigue.

Here is one of my fav quotes that goes good with this blog: "Failures do what is tension relieving, while winners do what is goal acheiving." ~ Dennis Waitley


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Timing is Everything

One way to better build results in the gym is to pay attention to the amount of time you are taking between exercises and sets. The length of your rest periods has a large impact on how much strength, size, and endurance you build.

Alot of people love a workout partner. I too, love having a spotter, it is safe and allows for heavier lifting. However, for me, I have to wear my watch otherwise 5 minutes of talking can easily go by and it felt like 30seconds!

As a rule of thumb, if it is my light days (12-15reps/set) my rest length is 30seconds. On my heavy days of 3-7reps/set, my rest length is 60-90seconds.

Eat right and train like a boss! Till next time,

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Practice Makes Perfect

Getting my stage walk down.

High Speed Metabolism

GOODMORNING:D My 1st of 5 cups of tea today:)

Q: What do I drink to keep my metabolism working at its' best?

 A: Tea and water. And that completes my list of beverages:) I do not put any artificial sweetners in my body. So many studies are coming out proving even 'diet' sodas are just as much of a cause for carrying extra inches around the waist as is regular full sugar drinks. To keep your body working at its best, stick with the natural stuff!
 i.e. Tea, water, coffee...  You will CONSTANTLY see me with my water bottle in hand through out my entire day. The response my body has had since I made the switch is phenomenol! 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Keep Moving Forward

Everything pointed towards an off day yesterday. I wake up to my training shoes shredded by my pup. So there goes an hour behind having to run out to the mall to replace them. Get my new kicks and head to the gym. What happens? My access card does not read so I am standing outside calling them. I hear the phone ringing inside and as if I am not already frustrated enough, it dawns on me that the facility is not staffed because of the holiday weekend! At that point I am like, "ok, this is just not happening today!" I head home, as I pull down my street I see my mom is over! She is a member at my same gym so I thought of her access card! Grab that with a piece of chicken cause by this time I am starving and head back up. For all the gas wasted I stayed double the time and today I have a booty so sore I can barely walk normal! What better way to knock off some steam than with throwing up some heavy iron right? No matter what comes your way, push through the obstacles and what seems like an ok justification for putting off a workout is NOT. Stay strong!  (Pictured above are my Nike Lunarfly + 2, my feet are in heaven! So light and comfy, would have stuck with my worn out old OLD Nike's otherwise)

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Hello hello!

So this prep time has been SO much different than the one before. I was burning more cals than taking in and by 5pm I was EXHAUSTED everyday. This round, however, we have been able to up my cals a little and today is my second cheat day. Cheat day while preparing for a show?!?!?! Whaaaaat? Yep:) I was killing myself to get my fat percentage lowered before stepping on stage last show and now I am fighting to keep weight on. Super skinny is NOT cute! Strong is what's up!

So for my cheat meal tonight I:
1)boiled boneless skinless chicken breast (when it is completely white from the middle out and shreds easily it is cooked)
2) cut up fresh onion, broccoli and mushroom and steamed it in a pan
3)added the veggies to organic traditional red pasta sauce
4) mixed in the chicken and topped it with fat free cheddar cheese