About Me

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I recently moved back to the states after living in Japan and working as a personal trainer for military personnel and their spouses. Moving back to the states felt like the perfect timing to switch gears and focus on my own goals of competing in the NPC Bikini Division. I love my life as a trainer and competitor. I see the body as a piece of clay waiting to be shaped and sculpted into a beautiful master piece. I love watching my own transformations and equally love seeing the transformations I help create in others.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Training: Leg Day

Warm up: Smith Machine Squat      1 x 20Reps
                 Followed by     4 x 8-10Reps
Leg Curl                            4 x 15Reps
Standing Gluteus Machine  4 x 15Reps
Stiff Legged Deadlift          4 x 10Reps
Calf Raise                         4 x 20Reps
Single Leg Deadlift            4 x 15Reps
Glute Bridge                     4 x 10Reps
                                 Ending with: 60lb plate squeeze and hold 30-45sec for all out burn

I choose a weight that brings me to failure on the rx number of reps listed.

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